Mango Grown by ProNatura at Perpignan

£4.25 / x1


Juicy, bright orange and strongly perfumed, our Fairtrade organic mango's moreish exotic tang peps up everything from puddings and smoothies to cured meat and shellfish. It’s best not to rely on colour to indicate the ripeness: many of the varieties we sell remain green despite being ready to eat. If the fruit is soft to the touch, tuck in.

Country of origin

Produced in
  • Burkina Faso

UK Seasonality

We usually source our mangoes from Spain during the European growing season. Out of season, we source from Fairtrade growers further afield including Morocco, Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso and Peru.

How to prepare

How to cut a mango? Slice the flesh away from the flat central stone as 2 large cheeks. Then score the flesh down to the skin with a knife tip in a criss-cross pattern. Bend the skin backwards so the chunks spring up into a hedgehog shape. Slice these off or nibble them straight from the skin. Any excess flesh on the edges of the stone can be cut away and eaten too.


To help a mango ripen more quickly, pop it in a paper bag with a ripe banana. In many countries, unripe mango is eaten with salt or chilli. In the West, ripe mangoes are used to make chutney, whereas in Asia pickles are usually made with sour, unripe fruit.

  • A ProNatura employee standing beside a hedge.

    Grown by ProNatura, Perpignan

    ProNatura coordinate production and support for 1500 small-scale organic farmers, not only in their native France, but also further afield in Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean. They supply Riverford with a wide range of fresh fruit likes grapes, lemons, oranges and figs.

Mango recipes

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