Oranges Grown by ProNatura at Perpignan

£3.90 / 1kg

Gloriously juicy organic oranges - sweet and refreshing.

Gloriously juicy organic oranges, grown by small growers in Spain and Italy during the European season, and co-operatives of farmers further afield (including Morocco and South Africa) for the rest of the year. This allows us to offer oranges year round – and we never use carbon-costly air freight, only transporting via ship or road.

These citrus stars are sweet and refreshing – hard to beat eaten just as they are. And because they’re unwaxed, you can use the zest in cooking too. Varieties change through the seasons, including Navel, Valencia and Saustina.

Country of origin

Produced in
  • South Africa

How to prepare

Oranges can be used in an almost infinite variety of cakes and desserts, squeezed for juice, used as an ingredient for marinades and savoury dishes. Try combining with watercress, beetroot and finely sliced red onion for a refreshing salad.


Oranges will store for up to two weeks at room temperature or in the fridge.

Our netting is 100% home compostable, made from PEFC-certified beechwood (a by-product of the foresting industry). Simply cut off the metal clips and put the net on your compost heap or in your council compost bin.


Our oranges are sold as class 2. This means that they might not look cosmetically perfect, but they are grown for the very best flavour.

  • A ProNatura employee standing beside a hedge.

    Grown by ProNatura, Perpignan

    ProNatura coordinate production and support for 1500 small-scale organic farmers, not only in their native France, but also further afield in Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean. They supply Riverford with a wide range of fresh fruit likes grapes, lemons, oranges and figs.

oranges recipes

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