Pomegranates Grown by Premium Organics co-operative at Leioa, Spain

£4.50 / x2


Split open to reveal their jewel-like crimson seeds, pomegranates may be the handsomest fruit of them all. Their sweet-sour seeds add glorious juicy crunch to fruit salads and savoury salads alike. Scatter them over cooked greens like chard or spinach, or punctuate the richness of a spiced lamb tagine.

Country of origin

Produced in
  • Spain
Cut in half, turn upside down and bash with a rolling pin to release the seeds
- Riverford cooks

How to prepare

To take out the pulp and seeds, cut in half and spoon out the contents. To juice it, roll the fruit on a hard surface, then cut it in half, squeeze into a sieve and press with a wooden spoon.


Pomegranates are delivered ripe and ready to eat, so keep them in the fridge to make them last as long as possible.

Pomegranates recipes

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