Onions Grown by Kees Timmers at Engwierum, Netherlands

£1.65 / 500g


A humble vegetable, but a very important one – almost every meal begins with the peeling of an onion. They make a brilliant base for all sorts of dishes, from soups, stews and stocks to pasta sauces, stir-fries and curries. Ours are pretty pokey, so have some tissues to hand!

Country of origin

Produced in
  • The Netherlands

UK Seasonality

The season begins with fresh, green onions with their tops on from May. Dry white and red onions are around from July to February.

How to prepare

Onions are the foundation of so many dishes – but they can also be the centrepiece. Peel off the outer skin, cut a cross right to the root, stuff with thyme and a peeled garlic clove. Drizzle with oil and balsamic and roast at 200°C/ Gas 6 for about 45 mins, until tender.

Or finely slice and sweat with a little olive oil for 45 mins, until soft. Then spread thickly on a sheet of shortcrust pastry with a scattering of anchovies and olives before baking for 20 mins for pissaladière (a bit like pizza).

BBQ tip - Take a strong, sulphurous tear-jerker of an onion, apply some steady heat, and you’ll end up with something sweet and tender. There are two BBQ methods: the first is to simply cook them in a heavy-based frying pan, off to one side from the direct heat. Peel and slice the onions and add to the pan with a good glug of oil and a generous pinch of salt. Let them cook away, stirring often, until you have a soft, tangled mass. You want them golden but not burnt. If they look like catching at any point, add a dash of water.

The less gentle method is to place your onions directly onto the embers to cook. Leave the skins on and turn them at regular intervals, until the outsides are blackened but they feel soft when squeezed with tongs. Large ones can take up to 45 mins. When ready, strip away the burnt outer layer and serve the tender hearts.


Keep cool and dry, preferably somewhere with a bit of air movement.

Our netting is 100% home compostable, made from PEFC-certified beechwood (a by-product of the foresting industry). Simply cut off the metal clips and put the net on your compost heap or in your council compost bin.

  • Kees Timmer standing in a field on his farm.

    Grown by Kees Timmers, Engwierum, Netherlands

    Based in the small village of Engwierum in the agricultural province of Friesland, De Grote Tor supply us with a variety of organic onions from punchy white and red onions to sweeter shallots.

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